1 min read

A life philosophy - keep it as simple as possible, for as long as possible

This is a micro post. I stumbled upon a video about monolith vs. microservices the other day, and I thought the philosophy was great.

Keep it as simple as possible, for as long as possible

This philosophy is not only great in designing software architecture, but also in life. A recent example of mine: I live in the city, and was contemplating to own a car to go to the countryside on the weekend. Turns out, the cost actually far outweighs the benefits.

When owning a car, I need to pay a lot more things (the cost of ownership):

  • the registrations,
  • driving license cost,
  • toll,
  • public parking,
  • petrol,
  • resident (apartment) parking lot - I have to pay more for building/parking lot maintenance, because I have more area to be taken care of,
  • car insurance,
  • car maintenance,
  • the price of the car itself, etc

Until I have a family of four (or more), move to an outer city, and have to visit countryside every single weekend, I don’t think I need a car. Public transport and/or day tour are more than enough to serve the purpose for now.