
  • Dashi stock - can be made from scratch (using sea kelp & katsuobushi), or using powdered Hon Dashi. I usually just use the powder.
  • Miso paste - I usually use white miso (milder than red miso)
  • Green onions
  • Tofu, diced
  • Dried wakame


  1. Make the dashi. If using powder, boil water, and add the powdered hondashi
  2. Tamper miso paste in a separate bowl with boiled dashi, before mix both in the pan. Miso paste tends to be clumpy if it is added directly into the pan.
  3. Add diced tofu
  4. Add dried wakame, mix and wait 1-2 minutes until they are hydrated
  5. Top with green onions, and serve!

PS. I sometimes throw random ingredients into the soup, like fish fillet, fried tofu, or whatever I feel like having…