This is a micro post, served as a reminder to self, that we live in a universe with vast amount of knowledge, that is built on top of each other. This recently happened to me when learning something new. I tend to go too deep too early. It’s okay to go deep later if needed, but we just need to know enough at the beginning to make the pieces move.


  • We don’t need to know everything, nor do we have a capacity to digest all of the knowledge available in the universe.
  • It’s okay to not knowing everything. The happy medium is probably just to know enough, so that we can move forward to achieve our own goals, and build new knowledge on top of it, hopefully it slowly contributes to advance the humanity.
  • We just need to know enough what’s underneath and what’s around to build an intuition, so that we can act to achieve our goals, rather than contemplating too much, and trying to understand everything.

This concept somewhat is also analogous to cooking - a home cook to be exact. If we are just trying to feed our own family (ie. the purpose),

  • we most likely don’t need to know how to grow rice,
  • we don’t need to know how to raise chickens for the meat and eggs,
  • we don’t need to know how to raise cows for the meat and milk,
  • we don’t even need to know how to butcher a chicken - just buy filleted meat.

… not to mention the pots and pans we use to cook. Do we need to make them by ourselves?

The farmers and butchers are the “giants” we are standing on, to serve our own purposes. In this case, to cook and feed the family. It somewhat resembles knowledge, and continuous learning in life. We need to be comfortable and accept the fact that we stand on an existing knowledge, without the need to know their intricacies. We just need to know enough to intuitively understand what that is, and we can move on to accomplish our goals.